Wednesday, 14 September 2011

industry self regulation

Just like mobile phone charging scams schemes it seems that industry self regulation here is a pathetic joke when compared to (say) European regulation standards. For example the "egg industry" wishes to have a standard of free range production standard enshrined in law to allow 2 chickens per square meter and call that free range (as discussed here)
The Australian Egg Corporation, which represents most egg farmers, this week sent new draft standards to producers, which would allow a free-range egg farm to run as many as 20,000 chickens per hectare. The industry's current model code, which is not legally enforceable, allows 1500 chickens per hectare.

With a hectare being 10,000 square meters - 20,000 chickens would be 2 chickens in a square meter (so a yard by a yard more or less) repeated over quite an amount of area. So this still represents quite tight storage for chickens.

So corporate nastiness is actually equal in treating both the human population and our stock animals as just a resource to rack and pack